Let us help you get started Downtown!
Starting a new business is a daunting task. Let us help you get started (or grow). Check out our services and resources below.
Whether you are ready to pick out your building or just starting your business plan, we would love to assist you! Reach out with any questions!
How can we help?
Looking To Lease or Buy A Space Downtown?
Schedule A Ribbon Cutting
Sign Up For The DMI Business Newsletter
Join The Downtown Business And Building Owners FB Page
Get An Open Flag
Get Involved in Events Downtown
Apply For A Micro Loan
Serve Alcohol? Discuss Joining The DORA
Get Connected
Grow With Google Training
Need translation assistance? Organizacion sin fin de lucro que provee recursos en Español para nuestra linda y diversa comunidad Hispana.
Contact us.
How can we help you?
Whether it’s a ribbon cutting, a micro loan application or just some friendly advice! Let us know what you need below and we will get back with you as soon as possible!